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Passion Project/VLOG Project 

Artists Statement: 

This video project being the last video project of the school year for myself I wanted to be very special, and different from my other videos. With the exception of My Friend Andrew I have never starred physically in my own videos, I wanted to change that here. Frogs are my favorite animals at the moment and I wanted to explore this in a funny and  frightening way. Thank you for your time. If you don't find this funny that is okay because my intention was for it to be provocative. 

Passion Project #1: My First Animation

Artist's Statement:

This project, being a passion project, could be anything I wanted it to be. I chose to do an animation because it is a medium that I've wanted to explore since I first understood that cartoons were made by people and weren't real. This was all animated on my phone and was finger drawn. I hope in the future to animate in a more accepted way. This song is one that I am inspired by. I love it with all of my heart, and wanted to represent the meaning that it has in my life. As a trans man, and a person who struggles with anxiety and depression I've felt trapped in my body. Two years ago I came out as trans, and ever since, while I still struggle, I have begun to set myself free, and to focus on the things in my life that matter, not be fixated on why I felt wrong for the first 16 years of my life. This animation is not technically well executed, but I spent close to three months working on it. Thank you for your time. 

My friend Andrew 

Artist's statement:

The requirements for this video project were that there could be no editing of scenes. There could be sound layers and credits but the shots could remain untouched. The other requirements were that there had to be a tie, and the term "I've been waiting for this moment for my whole life" had to be said. With this criteria My friend Andrew succeeded. It succeeded in other areas as well . I am proud of this piece of work and the comedy that we conveyed on screen. None of us have acted before, and while it's probably somewhat evident you can tell we had a great time creating this short film. All of us had different roles in making the film. I brought some of the props, drew the storyboard , acted, and contributed ideas. I'm the one in the slipknot t-shirt, and I've waited to give your eulogy ever since I first met you. 

video story project: "fruit salad"

Artist's statement:

For this video story project the goal was to create a video made of pictures edited to the beat of a song that had a message or was advertising something. From the beginning I knew I wanted my video to be comedic, but I was perplexed as to what song I was going to use. And then it hit me; fruit salad by the Wiggles, my childhood favorite. The message I wanted to convey came later when I was thinking of how I wanted to make the story funny and not just cute. While my video is definitely not as dark as the series I enjoyed as a weebish tween "Happy Tree Friends" it has the same idea of making something seemingly childish and frilly into a sardonic comedy. But by no means is this supposed to be taken seriously, it was a fun exercise in video editing, and if it gave you a chuckle I'm very glad. 

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